Wilson Lecture 2 – Adria Gulizia
Becoming People of the Promise: A Meditation on Christian Faith and Racial Justice
Becoming People of the Promise: A Meditation on Christian Faith and Racial Justice
The Quaker Leadership Center invites you to join Andy Stanton-Henry for an online series about rural ministry. Each week will include a presentation based on his book, conversation among Friends, and a civic-spiritual practice.
Co-Creating a Transformed Religious Society of Friends Together
Join one of two informative sessions about ESR's MAPST program.
Join one of two informative sessions about ESR's MAPST program.
The Quaker Leadership Center invites you to join Andy Stanton-Henry for an online series about rural ministry. Each week will include a presentation based on his book, conversation among Friends, and a civic-spiritual practice.
Ferguson at the Intersection of Faith and Racial Justice
The Quaker Leadership Center invites you to join Andy Stanton-Henry for an online series about rural ministry. Each week will include a presentation based on his book, conversation among Friends, and a civic-spiritual practice.
Join us for a Class Visits & Sample Class, Info Session, Worship Service, Common Meal, Discussions with Current Students & Alumni, Tours, Special Activities, etc.
In-person and Zoom ( https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81763694561?pwd=OUNTSTZWdGlFb2xZS2pTOTkrbHBmdz09 ) .stk-uagd3vh .stk-button{padding-right:25px !important;padding-left:25px !important;background:#7B1F38 !important}.stk-uagd3vh .stk-button:hover:after{background:#3F5661 !important;opacity:1 !important}.stk-uagd3vh .stk-button{border-radius:50px !important}Register for Separation Generation Discussion
The Quaker Leadership Center invites you to join Andy Stanton-Henry for an online series about rural ministry. Each week will include a presentation based on his book, conversation among Friends, and a civic-spiritual practice.
The 2023 Willson Lectures will undoubtedly provide many good and challenging insights to consider, so the Quaker Leadership Center will be hosting a follow-up online discussion