M.A. Theses
Students in the ESR M.A. program have contributed to the body of research into theology, Biblical studies, Quaker studies, and Peace and Justice. The following are theses authored by those students.
Name | Year | Area | Title |
Lawrence E. Barker | 1963 | Quaker Studies | The Development of the Pastoral Pattern in Indiana Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends |
Anne W. Webster | 1963 | Quaker Studies | East Africa Yearly Meeting of Friends: An Evaluation of Its Growth |
Paul Van Ness | 1963 | Theology | A Critical Analysis of Three Christian Viewpoints Relevant to Pastoral Counseling |
Louraine Lacey Holsinger | 1964 | Biblical Studies | A Study of Christianity in Early Tradition: From the Gospel of Mark and the Acts of the Apostles, 1-12 |
John C. Smith | 1964 | Quaker Studies | Jospeh Hoag: A Vermont Quaker |
William P. Taber, Jr. | 1965 | Quaker Studies | The History of Ohio Yearly Meeting, Conservative, From its Beginning Until 1917 |
David Preston Haney | 1965 | Theology | Carl F.H. Henry: A Critical Appraisal of Fundamentalism |
Michael Thornburg | 1965 | Theology | William of Ockham: Philosophy and Natural Theology: A Selective Study |
Keith Esch | 1966 | Theology | Servants of God: a Study of Church Renewal and the Pastoral Ministry |
Jan Paul Emmert | 1967 | Cross-Cultural Communication in a Mission Setting: A Study of the Japan Missions of the General Conference Mennonite Church | |
John R. Van Tine III | 1968 | Theology | Toward Understanding the Relationship of Henry David Thoreau to New England Puritanism |
Anne Smith | 1968 | Report of an Exploratory Year’s Program as a Regional Religious Education Director | |
Carl H. Zigler | 1968 | Compendium of Mater’s Project on Termical Illness | |
Isami Nagami | 1969 | A Comparison Between Revelation and Pure Experience in the Thoughts of Karl Barth and Kitaro Nishida | |
Howard R. Macy | 1970 | Biblical Studies | The Legal Metaphor in Oracles Against Foreign Nations in the Pre-Exilic Prophets |
Randall P. Hinshaw | 1970 | Quaker Studies | The Educational Heritage of Friends in America: a Study of Friends Elementary and Secondary Schools |
Dennis Ginoza | 1970 | Behavior Modification in a Multi-Cultural, Multi-Racial Setting | |
James L. Helmuth | 1970 | Report of Master’s Project: Clinical Pastoral Education | |
David Wetherell | 1971 | Biblical Studies | Mythological Allusions in the Book of Job |
Paul M. Wood | 1971 | Theology | A Quest for the Interpersonal Jesus |
B. Eugene Fisher | 1972 | Quaker Studies | A Study of Toleration Among Midwest Quakers 1850-1900 |
G. Edwin Robison | 1972 | Quaker Studies | History of the Policy of the American Friends Mission in Central India 1896-1857 |
William W. Geary | 1972 | Theology | The Church Renewal Literature of the Sixties: An Evaluation from the Perspective of a Comprehensive Model of Small Group Dynamics |
Larry Carlson | 1973 | Theology | The Problem of God’s Foreknowledge and Future Contingents: Aristotle, Aquinas, and Ockham |
Leslie B. Whitbeck | 1973 | Theology | Charismata and Status in Two Charismatic Groups |
Richard C. Sartwell | 1974 | Quaker Studies | The Influence of Leading Friends in Ohio Yearly Meeting of Friends, Evangelical, 1854-1919 |
Tadashi Yuasa | 1975 | Quaker Studies | A Comparative Study of Early Quakerism and Non-Church Christianity in Japan |
David Hickman | 1976 | Theology | The Communicative Process Applied to the Sermon |
Roger T. Rankin | 1976 | Theology | The Concept of Resurrection in the Theology of Wolfhart Pannenberg |
Frederick Shaw | 1976 | Theology | Methodology and Christology in the Thought of Schubert M. Ogden |
Dan Synder | 1976 | Theology | Faith in an Apocalytic Age |
Ken Henke | 1977 | Biblical Studies | A Study of Amos and Hosea and their Times with Special Reference to the Grounding of the Prophetic Concern for Social Justice |
Ken Henke | 1977 | Peace and Justice | Bread and Justice: a Discussion of World Hunger |
Ken Henke | 1977 | Peace and Justice | A.J. Muste and the Twentieth Century Renewal of the Call to the “Lamb’s War” |
John D. King | 1977 | Theology | Toward Understanding the Relationship of Set and Setting to the Religious, Psychedelic Drug Experience |
Malilo Nyongesa Barasa | 1978 | Theology | Western Christianity and African Traditional Religion in the Though of Idowu and Mbiti |
Michael Lawrence Birkel | 1978 | Theology | Community in the Theology of Basil of Caesarea |
Thomas H. Jeavons | 1978 | Theology | The Character of Christian Activism: Reflections on Discipleship in Modern Times |
Deborah A. McGrady | 1979 | Biblical Studies | Qoheleth: Between Two Ages: His Hellenistic and Hebrew Settings |
Naluparayil K. Purushothaman | 1979 | Quaker Studies | The Life and Thoughts of D. Elton Trueblood: A Whole Man |
Howard Wright Alexander | 1980 | Quaker Studies | The Language and the Reality of Quakerism |
John Brent Bill | 1980 | Quaker Studies | David B. Updegraff: the Life, Beliefs, and Influence of a Friends Holiness Preacher |
John McGuire | 1980 | Theology | A Descriptive Analysis of Three Aspects of William Temple’s Philosophy of Religion |
Charles Lidala | 1981 | Biblical Studies | The Concept of the Kingdom of God in Biblical and African Traditions |
Vladimir Strejcek | 1982 | Peace and Justice | Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther Kind: Different Political Situations and Religions, the Same Non-Violent Struggle for Freedom |
Steve Angell | 1982 | Quaker Studies | Religious Toleration, Truth, and Reason in the Thought of William Penn |
Martin James Chappell | 1983 | Theology | The Loving Will Towards God: An Illumination and Clarification of the Nature and Grace of Contemplation as it is Presented in The Cloud of the Unknowing and Related Treatises |
Daniel Brian Rouse | 1983 | Peace and Justice | Socio-Economic Implications of Preoccupation with Self and Group Interests: The Christian Hope of Moving Beyond that Tendency |
Lonnie Valentine | 1983 | Biblical Studies | Mark 12: 13-17: Jesus was not at all Innocent |
Lonnie Valentine | 1983 | Peace and Justice | The Psychology of Resistance |
Paul Kriese | 1984 | Quaker Studies | Turth-Speaking and the Religious Society of Friends |
Mark D. Minear | 1984 | Quaker Studies | The Richmond Conference of 1887 |
R. Candida Palmer | 1984 | Quaker Studies | Friends and Accountability: An Arena for Faith and Practice |
Marvin Dow Wingfield | 1984 | The Politics of Honor in the Abraham/Lot Narratives: An Anthropological Midrash | |
John Mark Davidson | 1985 | Peace and Justice | Dimensions of Transcendence |
Anne Hayner | 1985 | Peace and Justice | Toward a New Language of National Security |
Elizabeth Peacock Kamphausen | 1985 | Quaker Studies | Returning to Peculiarity: Education Among Friends–Living Quaker Affirmations |
John Timothy Terrell | 1985 | Quaker Studies | The Movement from Sect to Denomination in Nineteenth-Cuntury Gurneyite Quakerism |
Margaret Benefiel | 1985 | Theology | Three Women’s Stages of Faith: Julian of Norwich, Margaret Fell, and Hannah Whitall Smith |
Rose Kasandi Adebe | 1986 | Quaker Studies | The Impact of Quaker Missionaries in Kenya: The Work of Emory and Deborah Rees |
Bridget Bower | 1986 | Quaker Studies | Gospel Order Among Quiestist Quakers in the Nineteenth Centruy to 1860: A Comparison of the Hicksite and Wilburite Understanding of the Discipline |
Nancy McDowell | 1986 | Theology | A Theological Interpretation of Selected Mosaics of Ravenna |
Maragaret D. Zulick | 1986 | Wisdom as an Image of the Center | |
Philip A. Park-Thomas | 1987 | Theology | Theological, Sociological, a Spiritual Dimensions of Enmity, with a View Toward Reconciliation |
Sarah S.Forth | 1988 | Biblical Studies | John 2:1-12: The Wedding at Cana |
Gary Arthur | 1988 | Quaker Studies | Justice, In Creation, In the Prophetic Tradition, and in the Apocalyptic Vision of George Fox |
Robin Andres | 1988 | Theology | David Tracy: Hermeneutics |
Legia L. Spicer | 1988 | Theology | The Expectation of Meaning: The Turth-Being of Abraham Joshua Heschel |
David Lloyd Johns | 1989 | Theology | The Concept of Renewal in the Ecclesiology of Douglas van Steere |
Bonita Porter | 1989 | Theology | Issues in Pastoral Care with Women |
Linda C. Dalto | 1990 | Peace and Justice | Inner Peace as Empowering Spirituality in Christian Commitment and Discipleship |
Kohtaro Fujita | 1990 | Peace and Justice | Two Approaches of Mediation as Peacemaking: Quaker’s and Rissho-Koseo-Kai’s |
Jan Kees den Bakker | 1990 | Theology | Towards a New Theological Paradigm in the Nuclear Age: A Case Study of Reformed Theology in the Netherlands |
Linda B. Selleck | 1991 | Quaker Studies | Gentle Invaders: Quaker Women Educators and Race During the Civil War and Reconstruction |
Philip Thuo | 1991 | Theology | Issues Relating to Faith in Christ in Church History |
John C. Craig | 1992 | Biblical Studies | The Over-Arching Structures of Job Formalist Concepts Applied to the Bible |
Richard S. Koenig | 1992 | Biblical Studies | Foundational Possibilities for Oneness in Lao Tzu: Tao-Te-Ching, Genesis 1: Creation Story and Meister Eckhart’s Christianity |
George Smith | 1993 | Quaker Studies | Aspects of Quaker Education from 1960 to 1720 |
Grant David Miller Francisco | 1994 | Theology | Bernard Lonergan and Conversion: Contributions Towards Personal and Social Transformation |
Serra Delaplain Sippel | 1995 | Theology | Women and Beauty: A Journey to Self-Love |
Adam S.F. Miller | 1996 | Biblical Studies | The Character of Yahweh in the J Material of Genesis |
Bonita Washington-Lacey | 1996 | Peace and Justice | Working Towards Justice in the Bonds of Oppression: Womanist Theology |
Yasutomo Sawahata | 1997 | Peace and Justice | Buddhist-Christian Dialogue on Peace |
Scott G. Fisher | 1998 | Peace and Justice | Ke Ala A Hiki I Noa: The Path to Liberation |
Susan Jeffers | 1999 | Biblical Studies | Paul and Fox on the Road to Damascus: Sent to Turn People to the Light |
Robert Juma Wafula | 1999 | Quaker Studies | Tithing for the Development of the African Christian Church: in a Kenyan Perspective |
Christy Guenther | 2000 | Theology | A Theological Investigation into the Nature of Music Therapy |
Anita Morse | 2000 | Peace and Justice | Discovering Our Ethical Roots Through Story Telling |
Paul Buckley | 2001 | Quaker Studies | Thy Affectionate Friend: the Letters of Elias Hicks and William Poole |
Jim Valekis | 2001 | Theology | “Open Our Eyes, Lord–We Want to See Jesus”: A Study of Ongoing Salvation Story and Worship Day Ritual Transformations in the Worldwide Church of God |
John Taylor Connoley | 2002 | Biblical Studies | Beyond the Harem: Stories of Three Unlikely Heroes |
Jean van Altena | 2002 | Biblical Studies | Jephthah: Hero as Victim |
Leif Carlson | 2005 | Peace and Justice | Non-Violent Action Versus Temptation to Leave the Hold Land: a Palestinian Christian Perspective |
Eric Benner | 2006 | Theology | God and the World: a Process Theology’s Reflection on the Relationship of God to the Biodiversity Crisis and Humanity |
Elisabeth Beasley | 2007 | Peace and Justice | The I of the Institution: an American Learns Americanism Abroad |
Benson Kamasi Amugamwa | 2008 | Quaker Studies | Quakerism and the Isukha Culture: The Impact of Quakerism on the Culture of the Isukha People of Western Kenya |
Caroline S. Marsh | 2008 | Quaker Studies | Friends of IowaYearly Meeting (Conservative): Who We Are and What that Might Mean |
R. Scott Miller | 2008 | Biblical Studies | The Covenant Faithfulness of Jesus the Messiah: A Narrative Theology of Obedience and Nonviolence; Particularity and Credibility |
Kate Newlin | 2009 | Peace and Justice | Supporting the Faith Development of Young Adult Friends by Encouraging Theological Development and Moratorium Experiences in Adolescence |
Lloyd Lee Wilson | 2009 | Quaker Studies | “The Remnant of Like Faith”: the First 50 Years of North Carolina Yearly Meeting |
Adrienne Lowe | 2010 | Peace and Justice | From the Full Plate to the Wide World: A Theoretical and Practical Guide to Engaging Young Adults Through Interfaith Hospitality |
Bejamin Pressley | 2010 | Theology | Towards a Quaker Moral Theology: The Testimonies and Vitue Ethics |
Rachel Stacy | 2011 | Peace and Justice | Imagining Change: Transforming Narratives from Violence to Non-Violence |
Lynne Lawson | 2012 | Theology | Myth, Ritual, Feast: The Spiritual Roots of the Locavore Movement |
Jeffrey Meyers | 2012 | Theology | A. J. Muste’s Theology: Tracing the Ideas that Shaped the Man |
Deanna Mummert | 2012 | Biblical Studies | Greater Works: The Art of Loving One Another as the Path to Understanding Eternal Life: An Exegesis of John 14:12 |
Silas Siboe Wanjala | 2012 | Peace and Justice | Hope for Peace: The Gospel Message of Nonviolence and Its Application in Africa |
Karen Tibbals | 2014 | Quaker Studies | The Theological Basis Behind Quaker Businesses: A Comparison of the first 150 Years to the Beginning of the 20th Century |
John Connell | 2015 | Quaker Studies | Subjection to the Seed: The Natural Man and the Supernatural Light in the Epistemology of Friends |
Martha Delaney-Hotz | 2015 | Biblical Studies | Reading the Bible Ecologically |
Simon Khayala | 2015 | Peace and Justice | A Model for Conflict Transformation: Ubuntu, Mediation, and Forgiveness |
Theoneste Sentabire | 2015 | Peace and Justice | The Pillars of Conflict Transformation: An African Perspective of Peacful Co-Existence |
Danny Coleman | 2016 | Theology | Christian and Buddhist Apophatic Practice and Its Relation to Process Spirituality as an Ameliorative to the Decline of Christianity in 21st Century North America |
Tracy Davis | 2016 | Peace and Justice | Shamath, Sadhana, Stillness: Meditation as an Interfaith Practice of Peace |
Keiko Ogawa | 2016 | Biblical Studies | Interpretations of the Psalms |
Carol Anne Ferlauto | 2017 | Peace and Justice | Intersectional Feminism in Biblical Narrative, American Women’s Suffrage, and Restorative Justice |
Oscar Lugusa Malande | 2017 | Peace and Justice | Creating a Transformed Community: Towards a Constructive Theology for Christian Community Formation in Contemporary Aftrica |
Pamela Juram Kuhn | 2018 | Quaker Studies | Hicksite Quakers in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries |
Laura Arcila Villa | 2019 | Quaker Studies | The Metaphysics of Anne Conway, Philosopher and Quaker |
David Hanson | 2019 | Quaker Studies | The Prophetic Quakerism of Lewis Benson |