Spring Visit Day

Join us for a Class Visits & Sample Class, Info Session, Worship Service, Common Meal, Discussions with Current Students & Alumni, Tours, Special Activities, etc.

Separation Generation Discussion – 2

In-person and Zoom ( https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81763694561?pwd=OUNTSTZWdGlFb2xZS2pTOTkrbHBmdz09 ) .stk-ll76bk1 .stk-button{padding-right:25px !important;padding-left:25px !important;background:#7B1F38 !important}.stk-ll76bk1 .stk-button:hover:after{background:#3F5661 !important;opacity:1 !important}.stk-ll76bk1 .stk-button{border-radius:50px !important}Register for Separation Generation Discussion

QLC Follow-up to the Wilson Lectures

The 2023 Willson Lectures will undoubtedly provide many good and challenging insights to consider, so the Quaker Leadership Center will be hosting a follow-up online discussion

Fight Like Jesus book discussion with author Jason Porterfield

What is the meaning of "holy week" for Friends and those committed to peacemaking? How should we worship, preach, teach, and listen during this season? Whatever your views on the Bible or Christ, you are invited into this important discussion. 

QLC Sandbox

Come and join other QLC Quaker Leadership Conference participants in a QLC Sandbox experience. As you might remember, we ran out of time to play in the sandbox during the conference itself. We promised there would be another opportunity to do this. What is a QLC Sandbox? It’s an opportunity to play with important ideas....

New Student Orientation

.stk-xq7z564 .stk-img-wrapper img{object-position:48% 7.000000000000001% !important}.stk-xq7z564 .stk-img-wrapper{height:450px !important} *Zoom link will be emailed to new students. Virtual Kick-Off* Monday, July 17 4-6pm (ET) Library & Moodle Introduction* Wednesday, July 19 4-5pm (ET) Registration & "Self-Serve" Introduction* Thursday, July 20 4-5pm (ET) Virtual Lunch Chat* Tuesday, July 25 Noon-1pm (ET) Student Services Introduction* Tuesday, July 25 4-5pm...