Quaker Trustee Series: Investments

When it comes to investing money, what are our options? How do we assess possibilities with an eye to financial return, stability, and God’s purposes and leadings? 

New Student Meet & Greet via Zoom

To join the session, please use the following link: Join Zoom Meeting - https://bethanyseminary.zoom.us/j/84517921440

Author Talk with Howard Macy

Join us on Zoom for our next Author Talk, featuring Howard Macy! We will discuss his spiritual journey among Friends and his insights into the biblical prophets found in his...

Consultation on Intergenerational Engagement

Melinda Wenner Bradley and Beth Collea from Quaker Religious Education Collaborative will facilitate this consultation. This gathering is for Friends who are parenting, grandparenting, holding care for ministry or pastoral...

Sowing Seeds of Peace in Bolivia

Earlham School of Religion - Dining Area 228 College Avenue, Richmond, Indiana

In 2010, Bolivian Quaker Magaly Quispe started offering Alternatives to Violence workshops in one Bolivian prison. AVP-Bolivia has now reached 21 prisons - and every department in Bolivia. Come hear about Magaly's...

Pastors Conference

Join us on Friday, October 18th for a day of reflecting on the role of silence in pastoral ministry. Whether programmed or unprogrammed, Quakers have always valued silence as an...

Author Talk with Richard Foster & Mimi Dixon

We will talk with Richard Foster about his journey among Friends and with his best-selling book Celebration of Discipline. We will also talk with Mimi Dixon about her recently published...