Sandbox Conversation on Silence

Using Andy’s blog “Talk About Silence” as an anchor point, we will have an open discussion around topics like: Register for the Sandbox Conversation

Celebrate Black History Month

.stk-mupv25d .stk-block-heading__text{font-size:24px !important}@media screen and (max-width:1023px){.stk-mupv25d .stk-block-heading__text{font-size:24px !important}}Register for this event Black Creativity and Imagination in an Anti-Black World: Reading Grief and Justice in Psalm 89 Upon considering the story...

Celebrate Black History Month

Join us for Willson Lecture 2 with Lauren Brownlee on Quaker Principles and Practices in Service of Racial Justice. .stk-vqz4udo .stk-block-heading__text{font-size:24px !important}@media screen and (max-width:1023px){.stk-vqz4udo .stk-block-heading__text{font-size:24px !important}}Register for this event...

Quaker Trustees Training Series


Why do we need a child safety policy? A sexual abuse and harassment policy? An employment policy? What do such policies mean in the context of Quaker faith and practice?...

Willson Lectures Follow-Up

Join us on Thursday, February 29 @ 7:00 PM ET for a follow-up conversation about the Willson Lectures at ESR by nova george and Lauren Brownlee in recognition of Black...

Quaker Trustees Training Series

Legal Structure

What legal structure best suits our organization or meeting? Should we be a 501(c)(3)? How do we know? Could we use another 501(c)(3)’s umbrella, or let someone else use ours? What will...

Quaker Leadership Conference

REGISTER ON EVENTBRITE All Friends and ESR alums - YOU are invited. Our focus will be on hearing and telling stories that are FOR the future. If you are committed...

A Conversation with Anne Lamott

Goddard Auditorium

.stk-34vn7kf{margin-right:35px !important;margin-bottom:35px !important;margin-left:35px !important}.stk-34vn7kf .stk-block-text__text{font-size:20px !important;font-weight:600 !important}@media screen and (max-width:1023px){.stk-34vn7kf .stk-block-text__text{font-size:20px !important}}Join us for a night of captivating conversation with bestselling novelist and essayist Anne Lamott as ESR's Ben Brazil...

ESR Alumni Reunion

We hope you can join us for the upcoming ESR Alumni Reunion. We hope to embark on a journey down memory lane, reconnecting with friends, reliving cherished moments, and making...